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Arbour Academy is a Pupil Referral Unit for pupils, resident in Salford, who are unable to access a full-time mainstream school placement due to mental health needs and anxiety related concerns.

All pupils  at Arbour Academy remain dual registered with their mainstream school unless otherwise identified on an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).


It is not possible for individual parents to apply for their child to attend Arbour Academy. Places at Arbour Academy can be arranged by referral from local authorities and mainstream schools.

Admission Assessments

On admission to Arbour Academy a range of baseline assessments are completed. These are used to identify the focus of our work as well as identify the pupil’s strengths. Ongoing staff observation may also inform the need for further assessment.

Each young person’s support package is bespoke to ensure we are meeting their needs and encouraging them to re-engage with their education, develop social skills and learn coping strategies and techniques to help manage issues related to their mental health.