Regular and frequent home school communication, to ensure that students’ needs are collaboratively met, is prioritised by Arbour Academy.
The academy has an open door policy and parents are encouraged to contact us at any time for support. We are always happy to take phone calls, text messages or emails from parents and same-day appointments can usually be booked if parents would like to meet a particular member of staff. In addition there are two formal evenings per academic year when parents can come into the academy, see their child’s work and speak with teachers about their child’s progress. End of term progress monitoring sheets are sent to parents as well as a full report once each year. Some young people will have a home-school communication book.
Arbour Academy welcomes feedback from parents. This may be given in a number of ways: in person, by telephone or in writing by letter, text message or email. Parents are encouraged to have their say about Arbour Academy on Parent View.
General information for parents will be updated on this website and we have a Twitter page @CanterburyPRU for regular updates about school and community events as well as news about mental health.
Please contact school reception if you have any further queries.